Paintings by Wayne Peterson: Acrylic Watercolor Landscape Floral Abstract Religious

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Paintings by Wayne Peterson


Red Trees Outside My Studio -- Landscape Wing, Room 10

We'd like to introduce you to a wonderful artist, Wayne Peterson. This site has information about Wayne, but more importantly, we'd like to introduce you to his work. Within this gallery, you'll find over 100 of his paintings. We hope that you will enjoy viewing them, and invite you to come back as often as you'd like.

About Wayne

Wayne Peterson tends to paint in an impressionistic style, and primarily works in acrylics and watercolors. You can see the strong influences of Paul Cezanne, Edward Hopper, Charles Burchfield, John Marin, and Winslow Homer in his work. Wayne began winning prominent juried art shows in 1962 while he was still an M.F.A. student, and he's still going strong. In the national, regional and area juried shows in which his paintings have hung, he has come away with a prize over 80%

of the time; and of those prizes, 72% were either First Place or Best of Show. Wayne's paintings have been exhibited at such prestigious venues as the Smithsonian, the Corcoran, the Butler Institute of American Art and the Chautauqua Institute. He has art works in the Permanent Collections of George Washington University, Edinboro University, Lock Haven University, and in more than 500 private collections.

Featured Painting

In His Own Words

"Inspiration for my work is found in everyday forms. I usually deal with representational themes from nature or religious subject matter. As the work progresses, a 'dialogue' occurs among the paint, the

Summer Vacation on Vinalhaven Island -- Landscape Wing, Room 1
painting, and me as I struggle to pull everything together. I think about color, value and shape in an abstract way in order to judge whether they 'work' together for an effect, mood, feeling or quality --always feeling free to distort, change and simplify for a purpose. I am excited by the relationship of color, texture, value, contrast and shape. Sometimes, when I work, I feel more 'abstract' and at other times more 'realistic'. In a general way, my work could be described as semi-abstract painting."

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Alexsandralyn Stevenson and Beth Peterson.
You are visitor number 118682 since May 25, 2001.


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